The Mennonite Fellowship of Montreal (MFM)

Is a church community that gathers for worship every Sunday as well as on Christian holidays throughout the year. Starting as a house church in 1971, MFM now meets at the Maison de l’amitié (MA or House of Friendship), a community centre on Duluth Avenue. is a church community which gathers every Sunday for worship as well as for special events throughout the year.

Members of the church community bring their gifts and talents to our services and events through worship leading, music leading, storytelling, playing music, teaching, preaching and in many other ways. Our setting is informal, with chairs set up in a semi-circle. We also take time each Sunday to share our joy and concerns and spend time in prayer together.

Who attends

Our community has people from a variety of different ethnic, theological, and linguistic backgrounds. Some of us grew up Mennonite, and others come from different denominations, or different beliefs. We welcome any and all visitors and friends.

Who are the Mennonites:

The word "Mennonite" describes both a faith and a culture. The covenant that guides Mennonite belief stresses peace theology, adult baptism, non-swearing of oaths, the sharing of gifts and needs, as well as striving to discern and follow the will of God both corporately and individually. Service, both locally and globally, is a prime value. Culturally, there is great diversity in the Mennonite church. Originating from the radical arm of the Reformation in the 16th century, people of Swiss, Dutch and German backgrounds have dominated the ethnic landscape of the church in North America for many years. More recently, mission work has drawn in many other cultural groups. However, background aside, the practices of living a simple lifestyle, community, stewardship, potlucks and music are integral components. As an urban church, the influence of the city and the personalities of participants contribute to the particular style, practices and characteristics of MFM.