Meditations by John Docherty

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"The Lord has said", July 26, 2020 (Audio file)

"What will it take", July 5, 2020 (Audio file)

"Getting Through", June 21, 2020 (document file)

"The promise of eternal life", May 24, 2020 (Document file)

"You are a chosen race", May 10, 2020 (Audio file)

"On the road t Emmaus", April 26, 2020 (Document file)

"Resurrection in a time of pandemic, Part 3", April 12, 2020 (Easter) (Audio file)

"Resurrection in a time of pandemic, Part 2", April 5, 2020 (Audio file)

"Resurrection in a time of pandemic, Part 1", March 29, 2020 (Audio file)

"The temptation in the wilderness", March 1, 2020 (Audio file)

"It matters ...", February 16, 2020 (Audio File)

"Do what is right", February 2, 2020 (Audio file)

"The testimony of Christ", January 19, 2020

"We can't go back the way we came", January 5, 2020 (Audio file)

"Joseph, father of Jesus", December 22, 2019 (Audio file)

"What are you waiting for?", December 8, 2019 (Audio file)

"With joy give thanks", November 24, 2019 (Audio file)

"Job - I know that my redeemer lives", November 10, 2019 (Audio file)

"Jeremiah - prophet of the New Covenant", October 27, 2019 (Audio file)

"Faith ...", October 6, 2019

"Create in me a clean heart", September 15, 2019 (Audio file)

"Keeping the Lord's Day holy", August 25, 2019 (Audio file)

"Pride / Humility", July 7, 2019 (Audio file - part 1)(Audio file - part 2)

"The Gerasene Demoniac", June 23, 2019 (Audio file)

"Pentecost", June 9, 2019 (Audio file)

"You have changed my sorrow into dancing", May 5, 2019 (Audio file)

"The mayhem of Easter", April 21, 2019 (Audio file)

"The prodigal son", March 31, 2019 (Audio file)

"... it is impossible for a prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem ...", March 17, 2019 (Audio file)

"Lord, I believe",  March 3, 2019 (Audio file)

"Keep these words" November 4, 2018

"Let me sit at your right hand" October 21, 2018
"... I have set my face like flint ...",  September 16, 2018

“... the Lord is not slow about his promise, as some count slowness ...”, December 10, 2017

"I Will Seek the Lost", November 26, 2017

"Amos and James Setting the Bar", November 12, 2017

"...turn back, you mortals...", October 29, 2017

"Modified Six Nations Thanksgiving Address", October 8, 2017

"Thanksgiving 2017", October 8, 2017

Abounding in steadfast love, September 17, 2017

"Identity",August 20, 2017

"The Light Was Good...", June 11, 2017

"Rejoice When suffering for Christ...", May 28, 2017

"Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled", May 14, 2017

"Thomas, the Loyal Disciple", April 23, 2017

"And the Breath of God Came Into Them", April 2, 2017

"We thirst", March 19, 2017

"We Hunger", March 5, 2017

"...Resist not the evildoer...", February 19, 2017

"Salt and / or light: what are we?", February 5, 2017

"Brotherhood recreated", January 24, 2017

"Come and See", January 15, 2017

"God's healing is at hand", December 11, 2016

"Swords into ploughshares", November 27, 2016

"I have kept the faith", October 23, 2016

Thanksgiving, October 9, 2016

"The love of money", September 25, 2016

"The cost of discipleship",  August 14, 2016

"The wise and foolish bridesmaids",  July 10, 2016

"New wine in old wineskins",  June 26, 2016

"You have healed me", June 5, 2016

"Out of chaos, the Spirit creates!", May 14, 2016

"You are witnesses", May 1, 2016

"Salvation belongs to our God", April 17, 2016

"I love to tell the story ...", March 27, 2016

"Living ink: leaping off the page", February 28, 2016

"Living ink, letting go of the pen", February 14, 2016

"Where I send you, you must go",  January 31, 2016

"Freedom Bound : The path of Inclusion",  January 3, 2016 (Epiphany Sunday)

"A story of peace on Earth",  December 24, 2015 (Christmas Eve)

"Freedom Bound : The path of Love",  December 20, 2015

"Freedom Bound : The path of Justice",  November 29, 2015

"Two small coins",  November 8, 2015

"All Saints Day",  November 1, 2015

"His life an offering",  October 18, 2015

"Love God with your whole heart ...",  September 20, 2015

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he satisfies the thirsty",  July 26, 2015

"Desire: my soul thirsts for thee",  June 21, 2015

Pentecost 2015,  May 24, 2015

"Mary, mother of Jesus",  May 10, 2015 (Mother's Day)

"Discerning the spirits",  April 19, 2015

"What are we waiting for?",  Easter,  April 5, 2015

"Beyond Imagination",  March 1, 2015

"Hope in the Darkness",  February 8, 2015

"The light shines in the darkness ...",  January 11, 2015

"Epiphany 2015",  January 4, 2015

"A man's a man for a' that ...",  October 12, 2014

"Creation Care",  September 21, 2014

"Summer Recap 2014",  August 31, 2014

"A tourist's visit to Jerusalem, with James as our guide",  July 13, 2014

"... and they held all things in common ...",  June 22, 2014

"Being the Church  - -  What Church ??",  June 1, 2014

"A King on a donkey",  April 13, 2014 (Palm Sunday)

"Let us also go, that we may die with him", April 6, 2014

"The Transfiguration",  March 2, 2014

"Epiphany",  January 5, 2014

"The mystery of God’s dwelling, … in the child that is born!" (Christmas 2013),  December 22, 2013

"Why I am still thankful",  October 13, 2013

"Navigating the waters of Baptism",  September 22, 2013

"A stone as witness to covenant",  September`8,2013

"The Ten Major Requests", September 1, 2013

"... and God created humankind in his own image ...",  August 4, 2013

"The Gerasene Demoniac",  June 23, 2013
"How many Mennos does it take to make sense of life?",  May 26, 2013

  "My Peace I leave with you ...",  May 5, 2013

"... and the tomb was empty ...", (Easter)  March 30, 2013

"Pharisee, can you see how Far I See?",  February 24, 2013

"Just how diverse is MFM?",  January 20, 2013